The Levantine Colloquial Arabic (Shami or Ammiya Dialect)

The Levantine Colloquial Arabic (Shami or Ammiya Dialect program, offers a distinctive opportunity for individuals eager to enhance their spoken Arabic skills by incorporating the Levantine dialect (Shami Arabic)

Great Teachers

With more than 13 years of experience, our Arabic teachers are committed to helping you master the language. They’re not just instructors; they’re also your friends, making your Arabic learning journey even more enjoyable.

Easy and Fun

Learning Palestinian or Levantine Arabic with us is a breeze, filled with joy and delight. We’re dedicated to making your language journey both enjoyable and lighthearted. 


Study Levantine Arabic founded by Palestinian youth, is dedicated to teaching Arabic language and culture. With our intensive and non-intensive online programs, we provide excellent instruction at all levels. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced learner, our Arabic Levantine lessons are tailored to suit your needs.

Our story

The story started in 2011 when the Excellence Centre in Palestine started its work to serve the Palestinian community including children, young, and adults. The center began as a meeting point between the Palestinians and internationals through educational programs aimed at enhancing the skills of the Palestinian community members in different fields. These fields include English classes, writing skills, life-skills training, seminars, entertainment activities, musical events, and many more.   

Our Intensive Programs

Enroll in our Intensive Arabic courses, offering 20 hours of instruction per week. These courses allow students to quickly acquire Arabic skills and finish a full 80-hour course in just four weeks. Intensive options are offered in both Modern Standard Arabic and Palestinian Arabic (Ammiyya), Egyptian as well as Levantine Arabic (Shami Dialect).




Our Levantine Online Programs

Intensive Online courses

These courses enable students to acquire Arabic rapidly and complete a full Arabic course (80 hours) in just four weeks. Intensive courses are available in Modern Standard Arabic and Levantine Arabic. They include 10 hours of live sessions and a minimum of 10 hours of teacher-led work per week

Semester Online Courses​

These 16-week courses are ideal for university students and professionals. They are available in Modern Standard Arabic, Classical Arabic, Arabic Litterature, Media Arabic, and Levantine Arabic. They include a total of 40 hours of live sessions and a minimum of 40 hours of teacher-led work per course (Total: 80 hours/course).

Private one-on-one courses

These courses can be customized to accommodate specific learning objectives and schedules. Private courses can be taken independently or in conjunction with an intensive or semester course. They include 10 hours of live sessions and a minimum of 10 hours of teacher-led work per week

Key Facts About Levantine Arabic

Levantine Arabic, also known as Shami, is a distinct Arabic variety spoken in the Levant region, encompassing Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, and parts of southern Turkey. With an estimated 54 million speakers, Levantine Arabic holds significant linguistic prestige alongside Egyptian Arabic, being comprehensible across the Arab world.


Estimates suggest that there are 54 millions of native speakers of Levantine Arabic in the Levant region, including countries such as Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine


Levantine Arabic is native to Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, and certain regions of Turkey.

The Levantine Arabic alphabet is specifically designed for Shami Arabic, used in Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. It follows the standard Arabic script, with 28 letters, many of which vary contextually.

Meet our Students

We continue to strive towards “excellence”: In 2022 we were rated one of the top three programs worldwide in offering volunteer opportunities and one of the top three language schools worldwide by Go Overseas. We received a total of five Go Overseas Community Choice Awards in 2022. We were also recognized as one of the top Teach Abroad Providers for the category of “benefits” and one of the Top Internship Abroad Providers for the categories of “growth” and “support”. 

Latest news

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Online Palestinian Arabic Courses

Online Palestinian Arabic Courses

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How to Learn Palestinian Arabic?

How to Learn Palestinian Arabic?

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Ready to enroll in our Levantine Arabic Programs?

Our Vision

Our vision is to promote the culture of Levantine  Arabic learning as a crucial tool in the upcoming years within the realm of education.

We aspire to become the premier online Levantine Arabic learning platform, delivering comprehensive online instruction in the Arabic language and covering a diverse array of pertinent contemporary topics.

Our Mission

Our mission is to offer online instruction in the Arabic language, encompassing Palestinian, Syrian, Jordanian, Lebanese, and Egyptian Arabic dialects, as well as Modern Standard Arabic. Additionally, we provide crash courses that delve into relevant political, social, and cultural topics.